The Dawning of a SAVRA Newsletter

SAVRA is initiating this monthly e-newsletter to keep its members in the loop. This communication will alert you to upcoming meetings, training opportunities, business of the board and anything else that helps our members stay engaged with the association.

Spokane's own Margie Ray has officiated 5 of the last 10 NCAA DI championship matches. 

Spokane's own Margie Ray has officiated 5 of the last 10 NCAA DI championship matches. 

Respond to SAVRA Surveys Coming your Way Soon

SAVRA is asking every member to respond to each in a series of three surveys that will ask you to assess where you are as an official, and what you need to keep progressing. Please take one minute to respond to each survey over the next two months. The Board expects 100-percent return.

New Training Program for Officials at All Levels

A committee of the SAVRA Board and its advisers is creating a new training program that offers separate curriculum for beginning, mid-level and advanced officials, something for everyone. More details will unfold in the next few months.

Summer Training Clinic

On-court training session, Thursday, Friday and/or Saturday, July 12-14, 5-9 p.m. at West Valley High School. Part of the SFCC summer high school camp, SAVRA officials have a chance to referee and line judge in this low-pressure setting, each with an experienced mentor to help them improve their game. It is an expectation of the Board of Directors that any beginning to mid-level SAVRA official avail themselves to this training opportunity; and any experienced official contribute as a mentor.

To learn more, or to register, contact Trainer Barb Twohig at

PAVO/NCAA National Training Clinic in Spokane

This outstanding officiating clinic is scheduled Sunday, Aug. 12, 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at Gonzaga University’s Jundt Art Museum auditorium. It is available to officials at all levels. More details to follow. But please, mark this on your calendar and plan to attend. It’s one of the best training opportunities of the year for Spokane officials. Paul Albright, PAVO National and FIVB International referee, will serve as clinician.

Fall Meeting Schedule Revealed

The fall meeting schedule is set, with training and general membership meetings scheduled: Aug 19, 26, Sept. 9, 16, 23, Oct. 7, 23, 28 and Nov. 4 at Gonzaga University. On Aug. 12, two training sessions will be offered: beginning training and a session for new or aspiring college referees, both 2:30-3:30 p.m. at GU.

Next Board Meeting

SAVRA members are always welcome to attend SAVRA Board of Directors meetings. The next two are scheduled April 23 and May 21 on Gonzaga U’s campus, University Advancement offices in the parking garage at the corner of Hamilton and Boone Ave. Meetings start at 6 p.m., and entry to that otherwise locked office space is from 5:50-6 p.m.

Early or late? Call Dale Goodwin for entry: 990-6824.

If you have story or picture ideas for SAVRA Newsletter, please send them to Dale Goodwin,