June 2018 Newsletter

Calling all Refs, Line Judges to July 12 SFCC Camp at WVHS

SAVRA's summer referee and line judge training camp, run concurrently with SFCC's summer high school camp, is your chance to get on the stand or on the floor, officiate with a mentor standing by, and learn how to improve your game -- from presentation and technique, to applying the correct rules in a particular situation. Ask all the questions you want. We are NOT evaluating you, we are nurturing your development as an official or line judge. Registration for this event has been low. Please register for this free training opportunity today, as a camper or as a mentor, with Barb Twohig at btonml@gmail.com. Newbies and mid-level officials alike, please join us as we help prepare you for the upcoming season. Mentors, this is your time to give back.

Mt. Spokane is hosting a summer jamboree July 23 with local high school teams. If you'd be interested in working any of those sets for fall warm-up, please contact Barb Twohig at btonml@gmail.com.  

Line Judge, Scorer Training Added Aug. 19

Training and certification for line judges and scorers is scheduled Sunday, Aug. 19, at Gonzaga University's Jepson Center, Room 014. Training for scorers is scheduled 1-2:30 p.m., line judges 2:30-4 p.m. Anyone hoping to line judge or score this year should attend the appropriate clinic.

May 2018 Newsletter

SAVRA’s New Brand

The SAVRA logo with net and whistle, which has served us well over the past 25 years, is being retired. Before you is the new SAVRA look. This logo was designed for us by local graphic artist Nicole Harrison of Design Pal Graphics. Please feel free to wear your current SAVRA jacket and carry your SAVRA bags until you’re ready to replace them. At that time, we’ll have new options available with the new look. 


Because SAVRA Cares, the Board has established a fund within the SAVRA account to help members who suffer from extraordinary financial burden, not of their own doing. More details on this to come.   

Checking the Lineup

By Rusty Wellman

Every time I am called upon to mentor a fellow official on his/her performance as an R2, my first feedback comment is almost always the same…you need to be careful when doing your lineup check. With the addition of the Libero position our responsibility for checking the lineup before the start of the set changed slightly.  Over time, we have taken some things for granted and set ourselves up for problems. 

The Dawning of a SAVRA Newsletter

SAVRA is initiating this monthly e-newsletter to keep its members in the loop. This communication will alert you to upcoming meetings, training opportunities, business of the board and anything else that helps our members stay engaged with the association.


SAVRA is asking every member to respond to each in a series of three surveys that will ask you to assess where you are as an official, and what you need to keep progressing. Please take one minute to respond to each survey over the next two months. The Board expects 100-percent return.


A committee of the SAVRA Board and its advisers is creating a new training program that offers separate curriculum for beginning, mid-level and advanced officials, something for everyone. More details will unfold in the next few months.


On-court training session, Thursday, Friday and/or Saturday, July 12-14, 5-9 p.m. at West Valley High School. Part of the SFCC summer high school camp, SAVRA officials have a chance to referee and line judge in this low-pressure setting, each with an experienced mentor to help them improve their game. It is an expectation of the Board of Directors that any beginning to mid-level SAVRA official avail themselves to this training opportunity; and any experienced official contribute as a mentor.